
Hyper Exper – Closure/关闭 请于14天内备份转移数据 年付按剩余价值退款

2024年05月12日,Hyper Exper官方邮件通知,即日起关闭Hyper Exper相关服务。邮件如下:(附带简单翻译)


It’s with a heavy heart that I must share the news of my decision to shut down Hyper Expert. I understand this may be disappointing, and I value your understanding in this challenging situation. / 我必须怀着沉重的心情与大家分享我决定关闭 Hyper Expert 的消息。我知道这可能会令人失望,在这种具有挑战性的情况下,我非常珍视您的理解。

I started Hyper Expert in 2017, and it has been an amazing journey and a great experience meeting so many bright individuals who have helped keep this small community afloat. Hyper Expert became more than just a VPS provider to some. It became an experience and a community where we share the latest tech news, laugh, and provide feedback to one another. I have learned so much from this experience, which I am grateful for and will forever remember. / 我于 2017 年创办了 Hyper Expert,这是一段令人惊叹的旅程,也是一段伟大的经历,让我结识了这么多聪明的人,他们帮助这个小社区得以持续发展。对某些人来说,Hyper Expert 已不仅仅是一个 VPS 提供商。在这里,我们分享最新的技术新闻,谈笑风生,相互反馈。我从这段经历中学到了很多,我很感激这段经历,并将永远铭记。

Discord: https://discord.gg/wFvF43C

I am committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. Starting immediately, I will suspend all due invoices and provide customers with a free 14-day period to move their data to another solution. After the 14-day period, all the hardware will be shut down and decommissioned. Once the hardware is shut down, I will not be able to retrieve any data. If you’ve subscribed with yearly payments, I will issue partial refunds for the remainder of your term. / 我致力于尽可能顺利地完成过渡。从即日起,我将暂停开具所有到期发票,并为客户提供 14 天的免费时间,以便他们将数据转移到其他解决方案。14 天期限过后,所有硬件都将关闭并退役。一旦硬件关闭,我将无法检索任何数据。如果您是按年付费的用户,我将为您退还剩余期限的部分款项。

I will keep the Discord community alive, so please stop by, ask questions, and have fun. We may collectively come up with the next best thing! / 我将保持 Discord 社区的活力,因此请随时访问、提问并享受乐趣。我们可能会共同创造出下一个最好的东西!

Thank you, and wish you all the best of luck! / 谢谢你们,祝你们一切顺利!

Hyper Expert

商家信息:Hyper Expert,成立于2017年,美国注册公司(Hyper Expert, LLC 604202674)。目前主营美国西雅图独立服务器、托管、虚拟主机等;VPS基于KVM虚拟,自研控制面板,默认1Gbps带宽,1 IPv4 & /64 IPv6,AMD Ryzen 9 3900X处理器,NVMe固态硬盘,流量超额会限制带宽不停机。支持PayPal、信用卡、加密货币等支付方式。
