2024年12月02日,HostHatch(HH)官方发布网络星期一促销活动,有大硬盘VPS、AMD EPYC VPS。注意活动方案10个工作日也就是2周左右交付,不退款。
下单说明:先到 官网 注册账号并登陆,然后到 Current Promotions 下单购买。双倍方案在开机后重装系统生效,链接失效即为活动过期。
NVMe plans – US and EU regions (Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, London, Stockholm):
2 CPU cores (0.5 dedicated core, 1.5 fairly shared cores) ROME/MILAN 4 GB RAM 50 GB NVMe storage 5 TB premium bandwidth $29 per year (2X RAM, storage, and bandwidth for 3 year payments for Chicago & Stockholm only)
4 CPU cores (1 dedicated core, 3 fairly shared cores) ROME/MILAN 8 GB RAM 100 GB NVMe storage 10 TB premium bandwidth $55 per year (2X RAM, storage, and bandwidth for 3 year payments for Chicago & Stockholm only)
4 CPU cores (2 dedicated core, 2 fairly shared cores) ROME/MILAN 16 GB RAM 200 GB NVMe storage 25 TB premium bandwidth $100 per year (2X RAM, storage, and bandwidth for 3 year payments for Chicago & Stockholm only)
6 CPU cores (2 dedicated, 4 fair-shared cores) ROME/MILAN 32 GB RAM 300 GB NVMe storage 50 TB premium bandwidth $130 per year (Double storage, and bandwidth for 3 year payments for all locations)
NVMe plans – APAC regions (Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney):
2 CPU cores (0.5 dedicated core, 1.5 fairly shared cores) ROME/MILAN 4 GB RAM 50 GB NVMe storage 4 TB premium bandwidth $35 per year (2X RAM, storage, and double bandwidth for 3 year payments for Tokyo only)
4 CPU cores (1 dedicated core, 3 fairly shared cores) ROME/MILAN 8 GB RAM 100 GB NVMe storage 8 TB premium bandwidth $60 per year (2X RAM, storage, and double bandwidth for 3 year payments for Tokyo only)
4 CPU cores (2 dedicated core, 3 fairly shared cores) ROME/MILAN 16 GB RAM 200 GB NVMe storage 16 TB premium bandwidth $110 per year (2X RAM, storage, and double bandwidth for 3 year payments for Tokyo only)
6 CPU cores (2 dedicated, 4 fair-shared cores) ROME/MILAN 32 GB RAM 300 GB NVMe storage 20 TB premium bandwidth $150 per year (Double storage for 3 year payments for all locations)
Storage plans (available in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London):
2 CPU cores, fairly shared and restricted usage 50 GB NVMe OS disk 5 TB RAID-10 HDD 4 GB RAM 25 TB bandwidth $115 per year Upgraded for 2 year payments with 2x RAM, 2x bandwidth and +2TB storage in New York & London only
4 CPU cores, fairly shared and restricted usage 8 GB RAM 100 GB NVMe OS disk 10 TB RAID-10 HDD disk 50 TB premium bandwidth $200 per year Upgraded for 2 year payments with 2x RAM, 2x bandwidth and +4TB storage in New York & London only
Storage plans (HKG only):
2 CPU cores, fairly shared and restricted usage 2 GB RAM 30 GB NVMe OS disk 3 TB RAID-10 HDD disk 10 TB premium bandwidth $115 per year Upgraded for 2 year payments with 2x RAM, 2x bandwidth and +1TB storage
4 CPU cores, fairly shared and restricted usage 4 GB RAM 60 GB NVMe OS disk 5 TB RAID-10 HDD disk 20 TB premium bandwidth $225 per year Upgraded for 2 year payments with 2x RAM, 2x bandwidth and +2TB storage
评测文章:HostHatch VPS评测
HostHatch Looking Glass
Amsterdam | 荷兰阿姆斯特丹 | http://lg.ams.hosthatch.com |
Chicago | 美国芝加哥 | http://lg.chi.hosthatch.com |
Hong Kong | 中国香港 | http://lg.hkg.hosthatch.com |
London | 英国伦敦 | http://lg.lon.hosthatch.com |
Los Angeles | 美国洛杉矶 | http://lg.lax.hosthatch.com |
Madrid | 西班牙马德里 | http://lg.mad.hosthatch.com |
Milan | 意大利米兰 | http://lg.mil.hosthatch.com |
New York | 美国纽约 | http://lg.ny.hosthatch.com |
Oslo | 挪威奥斯陆 | http://lg.osl.hosthatch.com |
Singapore | 新加坡 | http://lg.sgp.hosthatch.com |
Stockholm | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩 | http://lg.sto.hosthatch.com |
Sydney | 澳大利亚悉尼 | http://lg.syd.hosthatch.com |
Tokyo | 日本东京 | http://lg.tok.hosthatch.com |
Vienna | 奥地利维也纳 | http://lg.vie.hosthatch.com |
Warsaw | 波兰华沙 | http://lg.waw.hosthatch.com |
Zurich | 瑞士苏黎世 | http://lg.zrh.hosthatch.com |
HostHatch,老牌商家,简称HH,成立于2011年,美国佛罗里达州注册公司HOSTHATCH LLC(L16000227247)。目前主营全球十多个地区的NVMe VPS和大硬盘VPS;地区包括美国洛杉矶/纽约/芝加哥、中国香港、新加坡、日本东京、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、英国伦敦、西班牙马德里、意大利米兰、挪威奥斯陆、瑞典斯德哥尔摩、澳大利亚悉尼、奥地利维也纳、波兰华沙、瑞士苏黎世等;VPS基于KVM虚拟,自研发的控制面板,支持自定义ISO;按地区不同,分别有1~40Gbps不同的带宽。支持PayPal、信用卡和BTC等付款方式。