
#风险# [协议已终止] 被收购 / Important Changes at Spearware Networks

北京时间2021年06月30日08:10,由于Spearware Networks LLC老板Michael Spears在双方谈判协商过程中隐瞒了部分事实,收购方Slacker Networks已终止了协议!具体查看链接,重要内容如下(简单翻译):

这对您意味着什么?(引用Slacker Networks帖子内容)

如果您在Spearware Networks的坦帕有任何服务,我建议直接与Michael Spears联系,或者为您的服务寻找新商家。也可以提供帮助将您的数据迁移到BuyVM,但只能按BuyVM现有的VPS在售方案来提供服务。请联系BuyVM并提供您的VPS的IP,我们会确认并发送VPS备份到BuyVM的迈阿密节点。

如果您在蒙特利尔有服务,请直接与Slacker Networks联系,我们会将您转移并按照之前Michael Spears的定价/计划给您,此外还为您造成的不便提供三个月的免费服务。


北京时间2021年06月29日05:51,Spearware Networks LLC的老板Michael Spears在国外知名主机交流论坛(LET)发布公告,大意就是Spearware Networks LLC的VPS业务被加拿大商家Slacker Networks收购!

有趣的是06月22日有网友在LET上发布评论称Michael Spears之前的公司是因为短时间扩展太快导致运营失败,看到新公司同样的扩展趋势表示很担忧(*2020底成立,2021年2月17日发布美国佛罗里达坦帕的VPS,6月22日宣布扩展到加拿大蒙特利尔)。Michael Spears在06月23日给该的回复中还信誓旦旦的说公司有钱,不缺资金;我之前是犯过错误,但这次不会再次犯错;你这是恶意攻击。


Spearware Networks LLC has reached an agreement for our VPS hosting offerings in Tampa, FL and Montreal, QC to be acquired by Slacker Networks.

//Spearware Networks LLC已就Slacker Networks收购我们在佛罗里达州坦帕和魁北克省蒙特利尔的VPS托管服务达成协议。

This was not an easy decision to make. As some of you may be aware, a few members of my wife’s family are suffering some severe health issues that’s taking up a large percentage of my time. As a result, customers have had to wait extended periods of time for support, which was not my intent.


On the brighter side of things, we are not closing our doors for all services. We will continue to offer colocation services to current and future customers.


As part of this acquisition, the service locations and hardware will not be changing. Tampa customers will remain in Tampa, Montreal customers will remain in Montreal.


I will be employed by Slacker Networks to ease the transition and assist throughout the next few months to make this as seamless as possible.

//我将受雇于Slacker Networks,以简化过渡,并在接下来的几个月内协助实现尽可能无缝的过渡。

I would like to thank all customers for their patronage and support throughout this time. Rest assured, you will continue to receive the highest quality of support and service throughout this transition and going forward.


Below is a message from Slacker Networks on the acquisition, and I must say — they have some pretty awesome things lined up for VPS customers!

//下面是来自Slacker Networks关于收购的信息,我必须说——他们为VPS客户准备了一些非常棒的东西!

About Slacker Networks

//关于Slacker Networks

We’re a Canadian owned and run business with presence in Montreal, QC. We take pride in offering fast, reliable and affordable solutions for our customers, and we welcome the Spearware Networks VPS customers onto our platform.

//我们是一家在加拿大拥有和经营的企业,业务遍及魁北克省蒙特利尔市。我们自豪地为我们的客户提供快速、可靠和经济实惠的解决方案,我们欢迎Spearware Networks VPS客户加入我们的平台。

Our Platform:

We’re committed to providing top-notch services, and we’re not stopping there! In the coming months, our in-house OpenStack-powered virtual server management portal will be live and all Spearware Networks customers will be transitioned on to it.

//我们致力于提供一流的服务,我们不会就此止步!在接下来的几个月里,我们的内部OpenStack支持的虚拟服务器管理门户将上线,所有的Spearware Networks客户都将使用它。

With our panel comes new features such as:


Block Storage

Object Storage

Network Load Balances

NVMe local storage

BGP Sessions

Unmetered bandwidth

Floating IPs

and tons more great features!

What’s changing immediately?

This week you will receive notification of your account being migrated from the Spearware Networks billing portal to the Slacker Networks billing portal. We ask that all customers open a ticket upon receiving notice their account has been migrated with their service IDs and we will migrate your services to our portal. You will be able to pay all future invoices with Credit/Debit, Crypto Currency and PayPal through our portal.

//本周您将收到您的帐户从Spearware Networks计费门户迁移到Slacker Networks计费门户的通知。我们要求所有客户在收到通知时打开一张票据,通知他们的帐户已使用其服务ID迁移,我们将把您的服务迁移到我们的门户。您将能够通过我们的门户网站用信用/借记、加密货币和贝宝支付所有未来的发票。

The Best News:


Nothing is changing when it comes to pricing, plans and the underlying hardware. Gradually over the next 3 months, we will change your IP address(es) assigned to Slacker Network’s owned IP addresses. The gradual IP change will make the transition process smoother for all customers.

//在定价、计划和底层硬件方面,一切都没有改变。在接下来的3个月内,我们将逐步更改分配给Slacker Network自有IP地址的IP地址。知识产权的逐步变化将使所有客户的过渡过程更加顺利。

Upcoming Changes:


Within 60 days, Slacker Networks will be offering Path DDoS Protected IP addresses for $3/month per IP address (estimated: 30 days) Within 180 days, Slacker Networks will give 30 days notice of transition of IPv4 addresses (estimated: 60 days)

//在60天内,Slacker Networks将提供Path DDoS保护的IP地址,每个IP地址每月3美元(估计:30天)

//在180天内,Slacker Networks将提前30天通知IPv4地址的转换(估计:60天)

We welcome all Spearware Networks customers to the Slacker Networks family!






Slacker Networks的官网域名于2021年03月09日注册,查询不到实体公司注册信息。Michael Spears说Slacker Networks属于Packet Rabbit Inc.(公司注册时间为2020年11月18日)旗下,目前查询到Packet Rabbit Inc.的老板Curtis Gervais还有一家关联公司Geekasaurus Solutions Inc.(公司注册时间为2020年06月30日)。