
Vultr 将于2021年10月01日开始对快照存储收费 定价每月0.05美元/GB

Vultr,知名品牌商家,成立于2014年,美国注册公司The Constant Company, LLC旗下品牌商标。主营亚洲/北美/欧洲/澳大利亚等17个地区自营机房的按小时计费云服务器/VPS、独立服务器、专用服务器等,地区包括美国亚特兰大/芝加哥/达拉斯/洛杉矶/迈阿密/新泽西/西雅图/硅谷、加拿大多伦多、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、德国法兰克福、英国伦敦、法国巴黎、韩国首尔、新加坡、日本东京、澳大利亚悉尼以及瑞典斯德哥尔摩。支持支付宝、信用卡、PayPal、比特币等付款方式。


服务特色:按小时计费,随时部署或销毁,100% SLA(正常运行时间保障),支持SSH Keys。

促销优惠:新用户点击 此链接 注册并关联信用卡或PayPal即可获得 $100 信用额度!

评测文章:Vultr VPS云服务器评测


What you need to know:

Vultr will begin charging for snapshot storage in October, with charges reflected on November 1st invoices

Snapshot storage will cost $0.05/GB per month, which is the same or less than other cloud providers

Over 90% of Vultr customers will see less than a 2% increase in their monthly invoice, and most customers’ invoices will see less than a 1% increase, if there is an increase

You can easily lower, or completely eliminate your snapshot costs by deleting old snapshots from your account

Why is Vultr making this change?

Vultr now has hundreds of thousands of customers, with millions of cloud instances deployed. Because snapshot storage was previously free, users tended to leave old snapshots in their accounts indefinitely (we get it – we would too if it was free!).

Unfortunately, these snapshots take up real disk space, which is expensive to provide. With more new users every day, and 18 locations around the world, it is no longer possible to provide free storage for the rapidly-growing number of old and unused snapshots.

We would rather give our customers more capacity in more locations, globally, than spend money storing old snapshots.

How was pricing set?

We priced snapshot storage the same or less than other cloud providers at $0.05/GB per month. This allows us to cover the cost of physical storage, and continue to keep your cloud computing costs low.

Should I still use snapshots?

Absolutely! Snapshots are great for rolling-back changes, disaster recovery, or replicating your deployments quickly. For more information on how to use snapshots in Vultr, see our documentation.

What if I have a lot of snapshots?

If you would like to discuss your snapshot storage with us, please open a support ticket here and we will be happy to look at your account and discuss options.


Vultr 将于10月开始对快照存储收费,费用反映在11月1日的发票上


超过90%的 Vultr 客户会看到他们的月度发票增加不到2%,如果有增加,大多数客户的发票会看到不到1%的增长


为什么 Vultr 会做出这样的改变?

Vultr 现在拥有数十万客户,部署了数百万个云实例。因为快照存储以前是免费的,所以用户倾向于无限期地将旧快照留在他们的帐户中(我们明白了 – 如果它是免费的,我们也会这样做!)。






绝对地!快照非常适合回滚更改、灾难恢复或快速复制您的部署。有关如何在 Vultr 中使用快照的更多信息,请参阅我们的文档。

